Equilibrium Data

Change Component Names

Tie-Line Data

Raffinate/Extract Ranges

General Procedure

  • Enter or upload equilbrium data

  • Select component, then enter/upload tie-line data

  • If necessary, alter extract/raffinate ranges (press set ranges to update graph)

  • View ternary plot (options: toggle axis, add points, change theme, download)

  • View right triangular plot (options: toggle axis, choose components, add points, change theme, download, plot.ly)

Equilibrium Data

  • Accepted file types include .csv, .tsv, .txt, .xls (doesn't work in Chrome), and .xlsx (rtf files must be converted to plain text)
  • Table options can be accessed by right clicking a cell
  • First row of uploaded data must be your component names
  • For .txt files the default delimiter is a space (make sure there aren't any hanging spaces at the end of rows)
  • Commas, semicolons, and tabs are also accepted as delimiters, and you will be prompted to select the delimiter and reupload the data
  • If only two data columns are given the third will be calculated (summation = 1)

Tie-Line Data

  • Uploading or entering tie-line data without equilibrium data will result in an error.
  • Tie-line data should be entered using a single component for both extract and raffinate
  • Actual data points (all three coordinates) will be calculated using a linear interpolation method
  • Errors in interpolation generally occur due to incorrectly set ranges (next section), and an alert will be prompted if interpolated values are zero or negative
  • Graph button is used to commit any changes in tie-line data or component choice and update plots


  • Initial ranges are automatically calculated (equilibrium data is assumed symmetrical)
  • Plots will only update when the set ranges button is pressed (pressing switch button therefore will not update plots)
  • Ranges are programmed to sum up to the number of rows given in the equilibrium data

Ternary Plot

  • Toggle Axis: only enabled once equilibrium data is uploaded
  • Add Option: additional points can be added with their corresponding labels by entering data and pressing graph
  • Graph Elements: point size, line thickness, and overall theme are customizable
  • Download: save plot as pdf (preserves overall quality)

Right Triangular Plot

  • Toggle Axis: only enabled once equilibrium data is uploaded
  • Choose Components: allows you to choose what components to plot on the x and y axis
  • Add Option: additional points can be added either by entering data manually or double clicking the plot itself (cycles through points)
  • Graph Elements: point size, line thickness, and overall theme are customizable
  • Download: save plot as pdf (preserves overall quality)
  • Plot.ly: open plot using plot.ly API

Seader 8.11 - Acetone, Water, TCE

Seader 8.14 - TMA, Water, Benzene

Seader 8.15 - Docosane, DPH, Furfural